I have organised several conferences and workshops, promoting research in the mid-latitude arid belt and addressing specific questions.
Rainforest Redux: The Role of Tropical Rainforests in the Deep Human Past
This is an ongoing 2019-2020 international virual seminar series addressing the role of tropical rainforests in the deep human past through various means: archaeology, genomics, palaeoecology. ethnography and primatology. Click here for updates.
Human Evolution in Structured Populations
The Wellcome Trust and Galton Institute funded workshop on human evolution in structured populations addressed the degree to which early human populations were subdivided, and how this affects interpretations of fossil, archaeological and genetic data. Click here to read more
Watch the podcast of the related workshop public symposium here
Middle Palaeolithic in the Desert Conference Series
I am one of the organisers of the Middle Palaeolithic in the Desert conference series, which commenced in 2012 at the University of Oxford and continued in 2014 at the University of Bordeaux. The conference provides a platform for research concerned with understanding human evolution in arid zones, exploring how environmental oscillations and marginal zones affected demographic processes such as dispersal or population isolation.
In addition to organising these series, I have also participated in organising conference sessions (see CV)